Step into the realm of extraordinary faith and miraculous intervention as we unfold the captivating narrative of a man’s journey from infertility to parenthood, guided by the fervent prayers of Elder Paisius. This blog invites you to witness the profound testament to the power of faith, where the decrees of God triumph over the laws of nature.
Join us on this spiritual odyssey as we explore the miraculous conception, answered prayers, and the boundless blessings of parenthood—all made possible through the unwavering intercession of Elder Paisius. Let the pages of this testimony inspire and uplift your soul on a journey of faith and divine grace.
Testimony about the miracle that happened through the prayers of the elder Paisius: Listen, Panayotis, when God wills, natural laws are defeated
When I got married in 1991, we tried for three years to have a child but it didn’t work out. We went for tests, it turned out that everything was fine with my wife, and they found a problem with me that could only be solved surgically. I went to Fr. Jeusevius Vitis, with whom I confessed, he was against the operation and told me: “Listen, Panayotis, when God wants, natural laws are defeated.”
So, after some time, I went to Mount Athos with my father and we went to find old man Paisius, that was in 1993 in July. There were a lot of people waiting for him. After about 10 minutes he came and we received the blessing. When I bent down to receive the blessing, I experienced such a force that I lost the will to ask him what I came for.
We all sat on some tree stumps for a short time, he told us something, and then we set off. We were about 30 meters away when the old man shouted: “Hey, you tall one, come, what’s your name.” I said: “Panagiotis, old man.” He then hugged me and said: “Do you want to pray for something specific?” I said to him: “Yes, old man, I would like to have a child.” The old man Paisius then looked into the distance and said: “You will not be operated on. God chose this way to calm you down. He will give you children. The faces of your children will remind you that God is present in your house and in your life. The first two children will be girls, and the third will be a boy. God wants to give you more children, but that is in the hands of your wife, how much will she be able to bear.”

I asked him: “When will it be, old man?”
He says, “It will be soon.” Listen, Panayotis, next July I’m leaving. If I have freedom before God, I will ask Him that God send you the first child and you name her Iliana.”
I ask him, “What’s that name, old man?”
He said: “It is named after the prophet Elijah.”
I asked him, “Why that name, old man?”
He says: “Think about it.. and I remember that my wife was baptized on that holiday and we got married on the same holiday, we go to the church of the prophet Elijah and we met on his day!”
The old man asked me: “Where are you going now, Panayotis?”
– “I’m going to the Grigoriat monastery.”
The old man then said to me: “Go and find a clergyman there and confess as you should, honestly and cleanly to the end.” And I will pray that God will give you a sign tonight to believe in all this so that you will believe. Remember well everything I told you, and one more thing to know – when you need me, call me! “
I shook and cried. That night in Grigoriat, I dreamed that I was in the cathedral and that to the right of the icon of John the Forerunner stood the old man Paisius… and behind him stretched an indescribably beautiful blue sky. He held children in his hands. The image of that child is etched in my memory. He said to me: “I am near the throne of the Creator.” this will be Iliana, your first child.”
A year after that, in July 1994, I found myself in Grigoriat, Father Nikita came to me and told me that old man Paisije had passed away. I was very sad. Immediately after that, my wife called me on the phone and told me that she was not well, the next day she called again and asked me to come back because she felt bad. I came back, we went to the doctor who told her: “You are pregnant!”
It was a peaceful pregnancy with no complications. I was present when she was born. When the baby girl was born I saw that she was exactly the same face as I had seen in my dream that night! Everything was as the old man said. The second child was a girl, according to the old man. For the third one, he told me then: To strengthen your faith, I will tell you that the other girl will start school when the heir comes!
So it was. Hristina started school two months after Nikolas was born.”