The Credibility of The BIble- Dead Sea Scrolls

There is one museum that has a specific protection system. It contains a large number of ancient writings, but the most important of them is exhibited on a special round pillar located in the center of the museum.
If a missile attack was made on this museum, a special protection system would be launched immediately. Then the central pillar would be quickly lowered underground, where this ancient scripture would be kept in a separate chamber.
But why is this scripture so important that it should be kept in this way After the Second World War, belief in atheism reached its peak. All concepts that indicate something supernatural are negated.
The most famous books in the world that mention supernatural things are the books of Moses. His books, as well as those of other authors who have written on similar topics, have been published together as one special book called the Bible.

At the time, this book was heavily attacked by atheist criticism, and the biggest objection was that it was riddled with errors and that today’s edition was not authentic. Reportedly, the people who transcribed it, and thus transferred from generation to generation, did not do so faithfully.
We know that in ancient times there were no printing presses and that the writings were duplicated by being handwritten. Earliest
preserved copies of Homer’s works were written 500 years after the original was written. And the oldest preserved copies of the works of Plato and Herodotus were written more than 1200 years after the original was written. And at the time of the greatest atheist criticism, the greatest archeological discovery in history occurred.

In 1947, ancient scriptures were found in caves near the Dead Sea in Israel, representing the oldest copies of the Bible, which were written only 200 years after the original was written.
When these ancient writings were compared to the copies we have today, atheist criticisms fell silent. Today, only uninformed people dispute the authenticity of the writings of Moses and other scriptures of the Bible. The evidence of these scriptures for the authenticity of the Bible is evidenced by the decision of scholars to build a special museum in which they will be kept.

But there are other museums around the world that hold ancient writings. None of them have this kind of protection system.

Is it really necessary?

Unlike others, only the scriptures of the Bible, and especially the writings of Moses, speak in a serious and authentic way about the issues of man’s life and death. And that was one of the reasons why these writings were especially protected.
The theme of this book is the biggest problem that man faces the problem of death. Moses talks about how this problem came about and how it can be solved.
We have seen so far that science has not been able to challenge any of Moses’ statements, but only confirmed them.