Embark on a journey into the extraordinary realm of miracle workers and steadfast followers within the Orthodox Church, where the luminous presence of Saint Basil of Ostrog, a revered Serbian holy miracle worker, shines with timeless brilliance. Even in our contemporary era, a myriad of seekers make pilgrimages to him, seeking answers to their pain, suffering, and discontent.
Numerous souls depart the sacred sanctuary of this esteemed saint, forever changed, their life narratives engraved in the chronicles of faith. Join us as we explore the profound life and enduring impact of Saint Basil of Ostrog—a guiding light for those in pursuit of comfort and divine intervention.
Every year, on the eve of St. Luke’s Day, in the holy monastery of the Ostrog, in monastery the Upper Monastery, one could see an elderly man, advanced in years, but who still held himself very well and with his corpulent stature successfully carried almost eight decades of life on his shoulders.
This eighty-year-old man, whenever he is able, comes to the Ostrog monastery to pray to God. However, he never misses the day before St. Luke’s without approaching the shrine of St. Basil with great awe and prayerful fervor, to thank him for healing him from a severe disease of convulsions of the body in his youth, and through that he brought him to the knowledge of God. It is, in the region where he lives, a well-known man and host, Petar Koprivica.
This year, on the eve of St. Luke, just before evening, Petar entered the office of the Lower Monastery, and after saying goodbye to everyone present, said that he was coming from the Upper Monastery. After sitting down, he said: “Today, Father Abbot, is exactly 50 years since the day when I was seriously ill and was brought to the ark of St. Basil.” After hearing these words, a certain curiosity ignited in me to hear from Peter’s mouth about what I had read somewhere, and I asked him to tell us in detail about his miraculous healing, through the mediation of Saint Basil. Acquiescing to the wishes of all those present, Petar told, and did not hide anything: “In my youth I belonged to the progressive current, as it was considered then, and I did not believe in anything. I rejected all faith in God. I also did not believe in any power of the Saint. for all that I was a known blasphemer of God’s name.

I cursed everything and mocked the holy things. But the all-merciful God did not allow me to remain in such grave lawlessness for a long time. In January 1920, I fell seriously ill. My illness was unbearable, not only for me but also for my family. In those troubles, instead of turning to God, I blasphemed God more and more. In vain, my parents, brothers and sisters dissuaded me from cursing and disbelief. The disease got worse every day, and eventually I started convulsing. I struggled in vain and spent money from doctor to doctor, from herbalist to herbalist, there was no help. On the contrary, the torments were severe and unbearable. My family had lost all hope that I would ever recover. During these unbearable torments, they often told me and advised me to go to Ostrog, to St. Basil. While I could endure hardships, I did not accept such advice, because I did not believe in it. But, oppressed by pain and long bedridden, I agreed to go to the Ostrog monastery.
With great difficulty, on this very day, my younger brother Luka brought me to the Upper Monastery. I approached the Saint, and then I went outside to rest a little. The young hieromonk Boris Kažanegra, after learning about my illness, comforted me with the words that God and St. Basil will restore my health, if I firmly believe and pray sincerely. Then, at the Saint’s sarcophagus, he read prayers for healing and ended the vigil. I spent the night in the church and to my joy, that very night I felt a great relief. Every day, I go down to the Lower Monastery and here – he pointed to the church – they perform anointing with consecrated oil.
After this, I returned home, to Nikšić, with reduced and tolerable pain. Such a situation lasted for several days until one day I entered the workshop and saw that one job was not done well by my younger brother Djordje. Then, according to my evil habit, being angry with my brother, I began to insult the name of God and His Saints. And behold miracles!

At the same time, the pains are incomparably more severe than before going to the Ostrog monastery. Then I became convinced, firmly and unshakably, that there is a God who punishes and rewards. I repented with tears in my eyes for offending God’s mercy. Tears were not enough to wash away my sin and my insolence. The state of my illness was getting worse and more desperate every day. I spent four full months in that state. My nerves were just on fire. I had the feeling that something caught fire in me and on me. In addition, the inflammation of the nerves completely convulsed me, so that I could not separate my head from my knees. In those unspeakable torments, I welcomed spring.
Something drew me irresistibly to the Ostrog monastery. That was the wish of my housemates as well. And as soon as the winter subsides, my youngest brother Philip puts me on a horse, and on Saint Theodore’s Saturday, at night, I arrive at the Upper Monastery. There, the prayer was read to me again and the vigil ended. As the First Sunday of Great Lent dawned, I went down to the Lower Monastery for the Holy Liturgy, where I received Holy Communion. After this, thanks to God’s mercy, those severe and unbearable pains disappeared. I could move slowly. This gave me strength and fueled my desire to go to the Ždrebaonik monastery, to worship St. Arsenius.
God gave me strength and I fulfilled that wish. I returned home from the Ždrebaonik monastery. The pain did not completely disappear, but it was tolerable. But now I was careful not to anger God again. I never doubted God’s mercy and punishment again. I tried to live according to the law of God. I fasted, visited the Church and often asked the priests to read a prayer for a complete recovery. And the more pious I lived, the more my health improved, but I couldn’t straighten my back for a long time.
In those days, I wanted to go to St. Basil’s Monastery Ostrog one more time. This time my sister came with me. And on this occasion, in front of the sarcophagus of St. Basil, a prayer was read to me. After this prayer I feel completely healthy. I warmly thank God and the Saint for the healing, and I return home with my feet as if I were born again in soul and body. From then until today, that disease has never returned to me.
This true story took place in 1922. I am always grateful to St. Basil for my healing, and I am also constantly grateful to him for accustoming me to repentance through illness” – Peter finished his true story about himself.
– And that iron gate, in the Upper Monastery they say that it was your contribution to the monastery of St. Basil, as a sign of gratitude for the healing, I asked Peter.
“Yes, when the old monastery burned down, said Peter, I begged the then head of the monastery, Father Leonti, for a long time to allow me to do something with my own hands for the needs of the Upper Monastery, as a gift to St. Basil, for my healing. He allowed me and I made that one the iron gate, which still exists today”.
Thank you for exploring the extraordinary miracle of Saint Basil of Ostrog with us. May his legacy of miracles and hope continue to inspire and uplift. If you enjoyed this video, don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more captivating journeys into the realm of faith. Until next time, may your path be filled with light and blessings.

In concluding our exploration of the profound life and legacy of Saint Basil of Ostrog, we find ourselves immersed in a tapestry of faith, miracles, and unwavering devotion. The journey through the realms of Orthodox spirituality has revealed not only the extraordinary impact of this Serbian holy miracle worker but also the enduring power of belief in the face of adversity.
As we reflect on the countless transformed lives and the echoes of hope resonating from Saint Basil’s sanctuary, let us carry forward the lessons learned and the inspiration gained. May the beacon of hope he represents continue to guide and illuminate the paths of those in search of solace and divine intervention. In the tapestry of faith, Saint Basil of Ostrog’s story remains a radiant thread, weaving its way through the annals of spiritual history, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of believers.