Today is a great holiday of TRUE LOVE- Saint Galacteon and his wife Episteme: Say this prayer tonight and discover who your soulmate is!

The Venerable Martyr Galacteon and Episteme were from the city of Edessa in Phenicia, today’s area of Lebanon, Israel and Syria. They came from pagan families.

At the time when Galacteon was growing up, his mother died, and the father chose a wife for the young man – the virgin Episteme. Galacteon did not want marriage or worldly life at all, so he advised Episteme to be baptized, and then to become a monastic at the same time.

They retreated to Mount Puplion, Galakcteon went to the men’s monastery, and Episteme to the women’s monastery. Their physical love was replaced by spiritual love, strong as death. Galacteon’s spiritual love for Episteme was so great that he did not want to see it with worldly eyes, because spiritual love does not require a body or an encounter.

They were both respected and loved in their monasteries, and did not see each other until before their deaths. Namely, there was a great persecution of Christians and the two of them were caught and brought to court.

Galacteon was flogged, while Episteme cried bitterly, which is why she was punished with flogging. The executioners then cut off all their limbs and eventually their heads. A monk from Evtolij’s monastery managed to collect their remains and bury them honorably in 253.

These two Christian martyrs are today considered the protectors of all people who love whatever that love may be – brotherly, sisterly, friendly, physical or spiritual. As their life has testified, love always overcomes all adversity and, if it is strong and pure, nothing can extinguish it.

The old people also say that on this day it is possible to find out who our soulmate is. Before going to bed, says the custom, you should say this prayer and the person you are dreaming of is destined for you!

“Thy martyrs, O Lord, in their suffering have received an imperishable wreath, from Thee our God, for having Thy help they overcame the tormentors, and destroyed the powerless insolence of the demons: By their prayers save our souls.”

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