Research, conducted in the laboratory of medical-biological technologies for industrial “NII” and marine medicine (Moscow), became a real sensation.
The Power of the Cross Sign

Scientists have experimentally proved that crossing ourselves or making a cross sign above water is destroying microbes and changing optical properties of water.
The physicist Angelina Mahalovska stated: “We have confirmed that the ancient custom to have food and drinks blessed before the meal has a deep mystical meaning,”
She also said: “Behind the cross sign lies a practical benefit: the food is cleansed literally in a moment. It’s a great miracle that happens literally every day. “
Angelina Malakhovska research on the power of the sign of the cross lasted for almost 10 years. A large series of experiments were conducted. They were repeatedly tested before their results were published. The results of this research are phenomenal. Unique bacteriological properties have been discovered that water possesses after the prayer and a sign of cross. A new, previously unknown, trait of God’s Word was discovered which transforms the structure of water, significantly increasing its optical density in the short or ultraviolet spectral region. The very possibility of such research became a miracle for Angelina Malakhovskaya and her colleagues from Petersburg .These researches were not financed nor were they the subject of the research “NII”. The scientists did most of the work for free – just to give people the opportunity to feel and find out the healing powers of God.
The Power of "Our Father"Prayer
The scientists checked the effect of the prayer “Our Father” and the cross sign on pathogenic bacteria. For the survey, water samples from various basins – wells, rivers, lakes – were taken. All samples contained golden staphylococci and another ever-present type of bacteria. It turned out that after reading the prayer “Our Father” and sanctifying it with the sign of the cross, the quantity of harmful bacteria decreased by 7, 10, 100 and even more than 1000 times!
According to the condition of the experiment – in order to exclude the effect of possible confusion – the prayer was read by both believing and non-believing people. In spite of all, the number of pathogenic bacteria in different environments (with various types of bacteria) decreased compared to the control values. It is astonishing that the indicators changed in the precisely necessary direction for healing. The pressure of the hypotonic increased and the hypertonic decreased.
Also, it was noticed that if a man was crossing himself inaccurately; just carelessly joining three fingers, or without touching the necessary points on the body (center of the forehead, the central part above the stomach (solar plexus), and the on the right and left shoulder), then the positive result of the action were much lower or there weren’t any at all.
The Evidence and Proof of God's Mercy and Existence
The scientists again measured the optical density of the water after it was blessed with a cross sign and sanctified.
“It turned out that the optical density of water in comparison with its normal value increases after sanctification,” explains Angelina Malahovska.
“This means that the water ” distinguishes “the meaning of spoken prayers over it,” remembers “that influence and preserves it for a certain amount of time as can be seen by increased optical density.
It’s like as if it is being “powered” by light. The human, of course, can not catch those healing changes in the structure of water. However, the spectrograph gives an objective assessment of this phenomenon. “
The cross sign changes the optical density of water at that very moment. The optical density of water, when being blessed with a cross sign by an ordinary believer, increases almost 1.5 times! And when it is blessed by the priest, almost 2.5 times! It is concluded that the water “distinguishes” the degree of sanctity by lay people and by priests, whose fingers of the right hand are assembled to indicate the first letters of the Christ’s Name.
Also, there were very interesting results after an atheist, but baptized man blessed the water with a cross sign. It turned out that water “differs” a smaller degree of faith. Its optical density has changed by only 10%!
The Power of Faith
“According to your faith let it be done..” Matthew 9:29
Since the human body consists of just over two thirds of water, it means that God has built into us a system of physical channels. These channels regulate all biochemical processes in our organism, and clearly “recognize” the name of Jesus Christ! It can be said that the sign of cross is the generator of light. The optical density of the water has not changed (increased) in any other positions of the fingers, palm, or with careless assemble of the fingers, or with a fast-paced movement of a hand without the awe and respect.
Thank you
very interesting
Sr. Bibiana