Best Tips to Break Down the Negative Energy and Bring Peace to Your Home

It is a great job to build a house and even greater building a peace in it. The difference when building a peace in your home is that you don’t need physical effort, workers, cement…the only thing that’s needed is love. Throughout the years people have been trying different strategies to come up with a right solution to build a peaceful home and realized that it wasn’t very easy.

First, it is necessary to be at peace with everybody. In order to build peace among our loved ones we need to be calm, do everything with the good will, and peace of mind. Everything we do should be done with great patience and never with anger or pride.

“It’s not enough to just rid our homes of dust but of the evil spirit as well.” Elder Tadey, the Serbian.

In the Bible, God commanded his people to use the incense.  Incense is, as we already know,  sacramental used to venerate, bless, and sanctify various spaces. Therefore, burning incense became one the Christian rituals. We practice this ritual to cleanse our spaces from evil spirits and everything that is impure. It also gets rid of any negative energy that can be accumulated in space for different reasons.

The nice smell of incense betters our mood and atmosphere. We should only use incense that is made in our churches and monasteries.

Incense is present at every Orthodox Church ritual, such as liturgy, morning and evening prayers, as well as in the practice of all the Holy Sacraments.

We can use our Greek brothers as a good example; Whenever they feel some discomfort at home, they invite the clergy to read prayers and sanctify their home. This is a very nice practice and it brings peace.

Certainly, sanctifying our home is a very important thing but it is just a part of the “peace” that we need. Besides burning incense, we need to pray in our homes, fast during the fasting periods, burn candles… And all this needs to be done humbly and for the sake of our souls. Always avoid bothering each other and never stop praying for one another. We should be forgiving and have positive thoughts. Read the morning and evening prayers as well as the Psalms and the Holy Scripture.

“Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18

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