Unknown and Interesting Facts About Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is one of the most mysterious people who lived at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and by many considered a genius scientist. Throughout his life he has been studying electricity, he is known for finding an alternator. However, it is said that his most important accomplishments were others, which are covered in secrecy.

He is credited with artificially induced earthquake in New York, the transmission of electrical energy without conductors and even explosion of so called the Tungusian meteorite, which in this version was Tesla’s experiment.

In New York in 1896, a magnitude 3 earthquake occurred, the walls of houses vibrated, glass shattered, and people fled into the street in a panic. But it was not a natural disaster. The earthquake was triggered by Nikola Tesla, who was then conducting experiments related to resonant oscillations. They called him a big lunatic, fortunately Tesla managed to turn off the device in time.

He knew how to control lightning, transmit electricity from a distance, and get energy from the surrounding area.

He knew how to control lightning, transmit electricity from a distance, and get energy from the surrounding area.

Tesla viewed the environment around us, the so-called modern physical vacuum, as a mixture of inert gases that are mutually permeating, and his way of drawing energy from space is to determine the required resonant frequency of each of those gases. In this way, a gigantic surge of energy would occur during resonance.

Many of his inventions made 100 years ago are so incredible that they are still considered myths. These include: Tesla’s electric car, air and energy weapons, and even a Tungusian meteorite.

Some researchers believe that the powerful explosion over the taiga on June 30, 1908, was a grandiose Tesla experiment. Indeed, Tesla has worked to transmit electricity without conductors over long distances, and in doing so has achieved some results. Tesla is also known to have studied Siberia maps in 1908. He wrote in letters to his companions that he intended to transfer a powerful electrical charge to a far uninhabited place. However, this hypothesis cannot be verified because Tesla’s laboratory was destroyed by an explosion in unexplained circumstances, and all scientific work was gone.

Tesla himself said that he got all his ideas during the visions that often came to him. Unlike other geniuses, Tesla was able to get into that state when he wished. He lived in two worlds at the same time, and both worlds were a reality for him.

From Nikola Tesla’s diary: “A bright flash of light covered the images of real objects … That is how my mental journeys began. Every night and sometimes by day alone I went on these trips to unknown places, cities and countries, I lived there , met people and made friends. “

In our world Tesla was lonely, someone could be witty and very charming but he only hung out with someone who was really interesting to him. He never had a home of his own or a wife. The women were crazy about Tesla, but he was unavailable to them. Specifically, Tesla believed that celibacy helped him preserve and increase his gift. He was obsessed with hygiene and afraid of germs. He slept only four hours a day, spending two of them in his words, thinking of his ideas.

Being in an altered state of consciousness Tesla did different experiments; introduced mathematical formulas that helped him and served as a conduit from the world of ideas to our physical world. In this way, his inventions when implemented in life worked exactly unlike most of the ideas of other scholars, Tesla’s contemporaries.

From 1936 to 1942, Tesla in the United States directed the military project “Rainbow” and created an invisibility screen around the ships for opposing radars. The scientist understood all the dangers of this work and in 1942 was removed from the project because of sabotage.

In the fall of 1943, as a result of that work, the Americans conducted the infamous “Philadelphia Experiment.” Due to the pulsed magnetic field, Eldrich not only became invisible to the radar as a result of the experiment but also became “optically” invisible. He is said to have been seen 200 miles from the site of the experiment. When the ship reappeared, part of the crew disappeared and those who remained alive lost their mind.

The son of Serbian Orthodox priest Nikola Tesla died on Christmas Day January 7, 1943 in the US at a New York’s hotel. He was 86 years old. He knew the exact hour of his death. Nikola had previously worn new clothes, and gone to another world as he had lived: in complete solitude.

Tesla’s body has been cremated, and now the urn with the ashes of scientists is in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade.

 Will the secrets of this mysterious man ever be revealed?

1 thought on “Unknown and Interesting Facts About Nikola Tesla”

  1. I just read about Nikola founder Trevor Milton. From what I understand he quit the company after allegations of fraud. General Motors just invested $2BN with the company so its a pretty big deal.

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