How to Deal with Troublous and Bad Thoughts

First of all relax. Do not take too much of this world’s worries on yourself. Look for peace and live with God. Let everything go with the flow.

Every good and every evil comes from our thoughts because we are a thinking-device. Our thoughts can even influence the botanical world as the plants also have a nervous system. Everything expects peace, comfort, and love.

Repent and Confess Often

Repentance is a change of life. It is necessary for humans to go to the priest or their neighbor and tell them what is disturbing their peace. As soon as someone gets involved in our suffering we gain the consolation and strength.

Nourish Good Thoughts; Think Positively

Our thoughts affect not only us, but everything that surrounds us. Therefore, we need to emit and radiate only good thoughts.

The Lord commands that we love our enemies. Not because of our enemies but because of us. We should be forgiving. When we forgive everything from the bottom of your heart then everything is truly forgiven. We become (then) accomplices of peace and then peace brings joy and comfort to us and everybody around us. Everyone can feel when our thoughts are being calm, peaceful, and silent.

When a head of the household is burdened with family worries, no one in the family has the peace and tranquility because of his/her thoughts. Not even a small child. Therefore, those who run the house should be surrendered to the Lord. They should pray to Him and understand that the Lord is almighty, and that He calms and comforts us.


Truly Forgive Everyone

Once again, we have to forgive everything from the bottom of our hearts. Inner peace cannot be preserved as long as our conscience is somewhat distorted. We must calm our conscience by forgiving everyone from the bottom of our heart. Without this there is no inner peace.

We need to be calm. It is better to get insulted than to insult someone. If we suffer insults, the Lord will give us strength and peace. If we do not endure insults and decide to insult someone back, our conscience will not give us peace. Consciousness is the Divine judgement.

Trust in God

When people asked St. Serafim Sarovsky: “What is the purpose of our life?”

 – “Returning to the hand of the Father of Heaven.” He answered.

When we see a calm, silent person that easily endures suffering, we want to become like them. How? By turning to the Absolute Good with our heart, our thoughts, and with our whole being. Only then do we associate and become one in absolute love with our Creator. To accomplish this, we should be persistent in prayers. We should pray to the Holy Mother, angels and saints to strengthen us with their protection.

Love God so much for then we will be blessed here and in the eternity. God is Love and happiness that fill everyone that seeks Him. And, God’s energy is present and works everywhere especially in those people who are turned to Him.

God is the one that gives Peace, comfort, and Joy to everyone. Therefore, I wish that all of you will acquire the peace, joy, and love of our Lord.

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