Miracles in Orthodoxy

The Serbian Miraculous Icon of Saint Nicholas in Bari (Italy)

Forgotten priceless gifts that the Nemanjićs (Serbian Dynasty) gave to the Italian basilica. King Milutin built a chapel around the saint’s tomb, cast from a mixture of silver and gold. Even after the collapse of the medieval state, Serbs still donated the temple The Catholic Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari, which preserves the saint’s […]

The Serbian Miraculous Icon of Saint Nicholas in Bari (Italy) Read More »

The life and miracles of St. Nicholas- SAINT NICHOLAS AND THE STORY ABOUT THREE DAUGHTERS: Here is how the great miracle worker saved the family from evil

Nicholas was the only son of famous and rich parents Teofan and Nona. He was born in the Asia Minor region of Lycia, in the city of Patara around 270. Immediately after his birth in St. Nicholas, as the legend testifies, the future miracle worker could be recognized because during the baptism he could stand

The life and miracles of St. Nicholas- SAINT NICHOLAS AND THE STORY ABOUT THREE DAUGHTERS: Here is how the great miracle worker saved the family from evil Read More »

INCREDIBLE MIRACLE IN THE SERBIAN SANCTUARY: At the moment when the whole world is fighting the coronavirus, HOPE COMES FROM THE CHURCH IN LJUBOVIJA (Serbia)- Icons are Myrrh Streaming -GOD IS SENDING US A SIGN

A miracle happened last week in the temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Ljubovija. Three icons from the iconostasis released myrrh during the service of the Holy Liturgy, which, in accordance with the prohibitions of gathering, was attended only by the clergy. Icons of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Mother of

INCREDIBLE MIRACLE IN THE SERBIAN SANCTUARY: At the moment when the whole world is fighting the coronavirus, HOPE COMES FROM THE CHURCH IN LJUBOVIJA (Serbia)- Icons are Myrrh Streaming -GOD IS SENDING US A SIGN Read More »

In Tula Diocese of Russia, The Icon of Mother of God called “Sign” is Myrrh-Streaming (Video)

In the destroyed church decicated to Michael-Archangel  in the village of Urusovo, the Venetian district of the Tula region, the ancient icon from the 18th century of the Holy Mother of God “Sign” started Myrrh-streaming. The Myrrh-streaming icon was spotted on February 8th and has since been myrrh-streaming once every few days. Myrrh-streaming of the

In Tula Diocese of Russia, The Icon of Mother of God called “Sign” is Myrrh-Streaming (Video) Read More »

Saint Theodore Tyron of Amasea whom Jesus Christ encouraged in the dungeon, saying, “Do not fear Theodore, I am with you. Do not take any more earthly food nor drinks, for you will be in another life, eternal and impassable, with me in heaven.”

St. Theodore Tyrone the Recruit (died February 17, 306) is a Christian saint and martyr. This saint is the first patron saint of the city of Venice He enlisted in the Marmaritsky regiment as a recruiter in the city of Amasya (present-day Turkey) when the persecution of Christians under Emperors Maximian and Maximine began. In

Saint Theodore Tyron of Amasea whom Jesus Christ encouraged in the dungeon, saying, “Do not fear Theodore, I am with you. Do not take any more earthly food nor drinks, for you will be in another life, eternal and impassable, with me in heaven.” Read More »

The Life and Miracle of Saint Haralambos- “The nazi dreamed that an old man with a long beard approached him and said: “WHAT YOU ARE THINKING OF DOING TO THIS VILLAGE? DON’T DO IT OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!” 

Life of Saint Haralambos Saint Haralambos was an early Orthodox Christian priest in Magnesia on the Maeander, a region of Asia Minor, in the diocese of the same name. His name Χαράλαμπος means glowing with joy in Greek language. He lived during the reign of Septimius Severus (193–211), when Lucian was Proconsul of Magnesia. As Saint Haralambis was Bishop of Magnesia also in Assyrian Mar Zaia, He

The Life and Miracle of Saint Haralambos- “The nazi dreamed that an old man with a long beard approached him and said: “WHAT YOU ARE THINKING OF DOING TO THIS VILLAGE? DON’T DO IT OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!”  Read More »

Saint Martyr Stefan Decanski was a Serbian king, son of King Milutin and father of Emperor Dusan. After Being blinded, St. Nicholas appeared to him at the Temple in Sheep Field and promised to restore his sight. “Stefan, fear not, here are your eyes on my palm, in due time I will give them back to you,” St. Nicholas told him.

St. Stefan Dečanski was the son of King Milutin and the father of Emperor Dušan. The child of a pious royal family, Stefan from an early age was raised in Christian piety. But it fell on him to endure many difficult troubles in his early years. In those days, there were frequent confusions and infighting

Saint Martyr Stefan Decanski was a Serbian king, son of King Milutin and father of Emperor Dusan. After Being blinded, St. Nicholas appeared to him at the Temple in Sheep Field and promised to restore his sight. “Stefan, fear not, here are your eyes on my palm, in due time I will give them back to you,” St. Nicholas told him. Read More »

The relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky were taken to the laboratory by the Communists to examine why they were so preserved, thinking they would prove that they are embalmed. However, when they began to cut, THE SAINT OPENED HIS EYES.

The relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky, a saint who died more than 500 years ago. The relics of the saints were taken to the laboratory by the Communists to examine why they were so preserved, thinking they would prove that they are embalmed. However, when they began to cut, the saint opened his eyes. The

The relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky were taken to the laboratory by the Communists to examine why they were so preserved, thinking they would prove that they are embalmed. However, when they began to cut, THE SAINT OPENED HIS EYES. Read More »

The Newest Miracle of Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki (1991) – “I am here, and I come from Bosnia, there is a battle for Orthodoxy!”

Saint Warrior- Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki The noon in Thessaloniki is like noon in all major port cities. This is the moment when the bustle subsides. Autumn in September paints trees, rare passers lures the smell of fish from taverns. From the distance one can hear the sirens of ships saluting the city, making long

The Newest Miracle of Saint Demetrios of Thessaloniki (1991) – “I am here, and I come from Bosnia, there is a battle for Orthodoxy!” Read More »