In the world, and in our country, there is a real craze for yoga techniques and the practice of this, as they present it, sports-recreational technique. None of those who practice yoga have any idea that they have stepped into the world of spiritual darkness and physical diseases from which, like drug addiction, it is difficult to return to a normal state. Yoga is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and a demonic practice.
The word “yoga” is etymologically derived from the Sanskrit root “Yuj”, which means “to unite”, the “unity” of man with the impersonal “absolute one” of Hinduism and Eastern religions. Consequently, yoga is not a simple and harmless method of relaxation, it is not a way to relieve stress and it is not a method of bodily harmony, as it is supposed, but a stage of Hindu immersion, associated with the anti-Christian theory of reincarnation and the demonic deities Vishnu, Krishna and Shiva…
World news agencies recently reported that a human sacrifice was carried out in India – the beheading of a five-year-old child in honor of the demonic false deity Kali of the Hindu pantheon. In long-suffering Hindu Nepal, a few days before the catastrophic 7.8 magnitude earthquake, an indescribable religious crime took place when 250,000 animals were sacrificed to Hindu “gods” (which are demons).

In various schools of Hinduism we see the direct dependence of those who practice yoga on the Hindu teacher, who directs them to change their Christian names. None of the many yoga techniques have anything to do with science, but on the contrary – with magic. Taking up yoga hides many psychological and physical dangers.
The “New Age of Aquarius”, which is at war against the One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic Church, with our Orthodoxy, flooded our country with the preaching of yoga, in order to seduce us with its demonic teaching, that all religions are equal paths, leading to the same goal.
All stages of training are linked to specific demonic practices. For example, by isolating himself from the outside world, the student thinks he is addressing his inner world and tries to eliminate every other feeling. If at the beginning of this demonic yoga the student still retains some elements of consciousness, later he even loses self-awareness, he cannot distinguish colors, smells, tastes, himself, or other people. That non-being is called “redemption” by yoga.
During the exercise, supernatural – demonic phenomena may occur, such as telepathy, floating in the air, communication with cunning spirits and others. All this confirms that parapsychology, yoga and in general all different forms of meditation are based on the occult, i.e. – demons.
We invite all Orthodox Christians, especially the young, to resist the new order and unite in their Christian communities with priests, in order to achieve spiritual peace and the spiritual life of Orthodox Christianity.
And practicing yoga is unacceptable for Orthodox Christians and incompatible with the teachings and dogmas of our Faith, because it represents a form of renunciation of the Orthodox Truth, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and leads to serving demons.
With a father’s prayer for you,
Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus