This incredible fact was first noticed by Greek doctors. Then soon joined by scientists from all over the world. The result of a serious scientific research work, which lasts from 1962 to the present day, showed that the monks from Mount Athos monastery do not suffer from cancer.
And not only did they not suffer from cancer, but they never even got sick. This conclusion was obtained by examining residues, whose age varies over several thousand years.
To explain this astonishing fact, many different theories have been put forward, of which only one has been granted the right to exist:
To avoid this dangerous disease, the monk from Mount Athos are assisted by their diet and daily life, which will be discussed below …
It turns out that they do not eat meat. But they eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and also they adhere to strict fasting for most of the year.
And precisely their healthy diet, with almost no fatty foods, protects the monks from cancer and other diseases, and allows them an incredibly long life. The fact is that there have been cases where the monks from Mount Athos have lived for 110 years or more. Their average lifespan is 94 years, a fact that has long been officially confirmed.
This is not surprising. Because the basic principles of their diet are prescribed by the main rules of the Orthodox Church, which recommends that the products be eaten in moderation, free of fat and oil, and in small but frequent portions.
Even during the holidays, like Easter, monks do not eat meat. But there is a variety of fish, goat, sheep and cow cheese and other protein foods, such as peas and beans, in their diet.
It should be noted that all the fruits and vegetables that come to their table are grown by the monks themselves, which is also a pledge of health and longevity. And it’s not just that eco-friendly products beautifully clean the body of toxins and antioxidants. It is also very important that every day at any time all monks spend in the fresh air doing physical work, which is also one of the important components of a healthy and long life.

Together with the Orthodox diet, scientists believe that the vital health of the monks from Mount Athos is that they live far from the hustle, bustle, and polluted city air.
Although it’s probably not just that. Not far from Mount Athos, there is a small town called Mandemoharia, where the rate of cancer per capita is almost 30%. And the population there eats the same food, breathes the same air and lives in the same climate. In this case would it be appropriate to add the word “almost”?
How to apply the rules of the monks from Mount Athos? Not only to get rid of everyone illness, but also to reach a deep old age, retaining excellent physical and mental health?

There are not many rules, and they are:
- Avoid stress, worry, rush and anger, purify your soul, and then it will become the main healer of your body.
- Often be in the fresh air, going from town to cottage, into the woods.
- Switch to using simple foods, turn off preservatives, fats, meats, and complex processed foods.
- At least three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays – strict fasting, eat only raw food, fruits and vegetables.
- devote at least two hours a day, 5 times a week to physical work or sports.
- Discard suicidal habits such as smoking and drinking.
And then not only will you be guaranteed to avoid diseases of the digestive system and cardiovascular system, kidney problems and metabolism, but you will also get rid of diseases that you have already managed to get. You will give yourself a happy, active and extremely long life.
This is very true. God designed us, therefor eat what God has given us in Nature. It is the only way to fine-tune the immune system, so that if you DO get sick the body easily overcomes it. Weston A. Price discovered that indigenous peoples around the world had ZERO chronic conditions until they were introduced to refined flour and sugar. Almost 68 years old I have zero chronic illness and zero aches or pains. Man’s processed garbage, so-called “food” kills you slowly.