Step into the realm of divine wonders as we embark on a captivating journey, exploring a new miracle attributed to St. Xenia of St. Petersburg. This blog unfolds a remarkable narrative of how St. Xenia, known for her miraculous interventions, courageously rescued a young man from the clutches of robbers.
Join us in unraveling the extraordinary events that transpired, delving into the sacred realm where faith, heroism, and divine grace converge. The story of this miraculous rescue by St. Xenia beckons us to witness the unwavering power of faith and the protective embrace of a heavenly guardian. Let’s delve into the sacred, where saints come to life, revealing their miracles in the most unexpected ways.
An amazing event took place in St. Petersburg, Russia. Twenty-eight-year-old nurse Oksana Popova had a terrible dream: her 22-year-old brother Dimitri was beaten and kicked by some drunk thugs. “They beat him to death in front of me” – Oksana recounted her dream to an acquaintance. “The bloody head was rolling in the dust, and they were kicking it. I screamed and woke up in a cold sweat.”
When the girl told her dream to her grandmother, she sighed and dropped the ladle she was holding out of her hands. It turned out that grandma had the same dream; and she dreamed of Dimitri lying bleeding in the dust at the feet of the thugs. When the mother returned from work in the evening, she also told the dream she had. It turned out to be the same dream that Oksana and grandmother had. There was a terrible silence in their apartment.
Soon, Dimitrije also returned from college and said that he was going to visit a friend in the suburb of Kavgolovo until Monday. There was no possibility of dissuading him, and when they told him about the dream they had, he just smiled and left the house.

The three women who remained in the apartment were gripped by horror. Since they had no power to do anything, they went to their rooms and, without agreeing, began to pray. As it turned out later, all three prayed (also without agreeing) to one saint – blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg, who was respected in that family more than all other saints. An hour after midnight, the doorbell suddenly rang.
Dimitrije was standing on the threshold, his face red from the frost. When asked why he returned home halfway, the boy excitedly answered: “I changed my mind!” After drinking a glass of vodka to warm himself up, Dimitrije went to sleep, and in the morning he told his grandmother, mother and sister what happened to him.
At one of the stations, a strange, not very well-dressed woman with a scarf entered his carriage and sat across from him. Dimitrije simply froze at the penetrating gaze of her blue eyes. At the next station, a group of big, drunk guys burst into their carriage. Sitting near them, they drank beer and cursed loudly and obscenely.
Dimitri’s companion suddenly got up and, grabbing his sleeve, led him with her towards the exit. He tried to resist, but inside he heard a confident and soft female voice: “Let’s go!”
They got off the train at the next stop. When the car door closed and the train slowly started to move, Dimitri managed to see how a fight started in the car they were in. Looking around he saw that he was standing all alone on the snow-covered platform. In the blink of an eye, sweating with fear, the young man ran across the tracks and jumped on the next train that took him back home.
The next morning, Oksana took her brother to the Smolensk cemetery to the small chapel where the relics of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg rest.
A student who did not believe in God looked at the icon of the saint and whispered with pale lips: “Lord, it’s her!”

Source: Megapolis