Every soul that comes to this world carries the germ of genius, carries the seal of God in itself, carries the “germ” of Christ. The Lord sends every soul from his Kingdom of eternity, every soul the Lord designed before all ages in the breath of that eternal today, in the moment and second of eternity, and every person, every man, is in God’s plan from eternity.
No one comes to this world by chance and no one chooses where they will be born. God is the one who made that decision centuries ago. We are only collaborators in His plan to create “little Gods” in the creation of Christ. Parents are co-workers of God, and no one knows the depths of the Lord’s providence, just as no one knows the soul of every person except the Spirit of the Lord who dwells with him. That is why every point of the finger at some otherness is more than meaningless, because no one chooses where they will be born. Every soul of God is a potential genius, every man a potential artist, a Saint, because he comes from a genius God, who creates everything in his genius image. God is not selfish, vain, God is the Love and Parent of every man and absolutely omniscient and gives everyone as much as he can carry in his life. Someone will ask, “And why didn’t God create a man so great that he could carry everything and have all the gifts?”
Every created soul, every person, carries the burden of “freedom” or free will, which is a prerequisite for what makes us persons, icons of God. That freedom was also the “stumbling block” of the first people, because man, as a person, truly has the freedom to choose, because otherwise he would be an icon of the living God. God creates every person from non-existence, and every person does not have eternity and self-existence in himself, but has eternity and being only when he is in communion with Eternity, his Creator, that is, when he lives in a community of love. Every gift and talent comes from the God of Love, so it is not our creation and “our” irrevocable property. The Savior said and pointed out that gifts can be taken away and given to those who are zealous in the gifts they have received, (Whoever has, will be given, and will be threatened; and whoever does not have, what he has will be taken from him (Matt. 13 12) That is why every soul that turns to itself with absolute strength, lives for itself and wants to achieve “deification” in itself turns to death, non-existence and ruin, because there is no source of life in itself. second, and the wrong perception or abuse of love was the delusion that led man to ruin.

Satan, the enemy of God and man, teaches man from the beginning that love and deification are achieved by turning to oneself, suffocating the genius of God in man, deceiving and lying to man, both in the beginning and today, as the Bible testifies. With the fall of the first humans, this movement towards oneself, self-deification, remains in our nature as a germ and a genetic anomaly. Every talent that we multiply, inherit, or “grab” we pass on to our descendants, but alas, we pass on our original sins and weaknesses and passions in addition to the original sin, if we do not try to overcome them in life, that is, if we do not transform ourselves, we imitate ourselves to Christ . Sin is nothing but turning the energies of God which are love of self, one failure, a mistake (Greek: άμαρτία – lawlessness, turning, delusion), which automatically leads to the effect of death and destruction, because the energies of God are giving and going in one direction. The Father of all lies, Satan, having first ruined himself and even a good part of the Angels of God, is ruining people even today with this delusion. Only Love brings deification, love, not sentimentality, selfless life for others, community, family, brings the Spirit of God, without which no one can have love in himself, because God is Love and love comes from God. The Lord taught us love and explained what love is, He revealed God to us as the absolute Love and community, he revealed to us God who is giving, not taking, who is absolutely selfless turning and moving towards others, who is the Being of community, revealed to us God as the greatest artist and creator, Genius. Because of this danger of self-worship and the gift of freedom and the Lord’s omniscience, God gives us as much as we can bear, knowing our lives in advance.
The precondition for living in God, the precondition for acquiring gifts is life with God, sacramental life in the Church of Christ, life according to His commandments, because in order to gain deification we need to live with God, with Christ and feed on Christ and God’s energies. Holy Eucharist, in the Holy Liturgy and in the life of the Church. Christ is the precondition of all genius, creativity. All the greatest artists, scientists, writers and poets, and I think there is absolutely no debate about this, were believing people.
Isaac Newton, a great scientist, wrote the book “Observations on the Prophecies of the Book of the Prophet Daniel and the Apocalypse of St. John”, which was published after his death, and the famous Blaise Pascal said:
“By appearing openly to those who seek Him with all their heart and hiding from those who flee from Him with all their heart, God regulates human knowledge of Himself. He gives signs visible to those who seek Him and invisible to those who are indifferent to Him. He gives enough light to those who want to see, and He gives enough darkness to those who do not want to see. ” Not to mention our Nikola Tesla, and a handful of artists, poets, musicians who have enriched our universe with their works, glorifying the Creator with their works (Mozart, Bach, Beethoven). Without entering into ecclesial and dogmatic differences between Christian denominations, we absolutely believe that God does not leave people who trust in Him and live for Him wherever they are and bless them with great gifts as we see from the attached, but we absolutely believe and confess that this would not be possible without the Orthodox Liturgy at which the Holy Gifts are offered to the whole world and all Christians, members of any ecclesiastical denomination, and the rain of God is given to the whole creation and to all people. God is the love and Parent of absolutely every human being in the world, and we must not doubt God’s providence and care for every human being.
The word “genius” comes from the Latin language (lat. Genius) and means: “human spirit, protector”. The very word “genius” shows that creativity requires a spirit, not just any spirit, but the Holy Spirit, who is truly the protector of man and not only the protector but also the Creator and the One we live by who eternally emanates from God the Father, who is of one nature and with the Father and the Son, when the Son sends him, according to his Ascension, to rule the Church until His Second Coming, and here we see a poetic, literary providence of God in the word “genius”. Let us not forget the Holy Angels of God, the geniuses of God who stand by us, protecting us from all evil.
By living with Christ, likening ourselves to Christ, feeding on Christ, who is the Archangel, we ourselves “geniusize” ourselves and our descendants, “geniusize” and baptize the entire universe.