Poofs of God's Existence
Everything That Exists Has its Cause
Human experience is unaware of the fact that nothing, by itself, can become something or that there is any reality created by itself. A complex world exists. It means that it must have the cause of its existence. There must be a Creator of the world. This argument, which is based on the “cause and effect order of things”, that is, everything that exists has a cause of its existence, is called a “cosmological argument”. It comes from the Greek word “cosmos” which means world or space.
Everywhere in nature we can see that living beings are born of living beings. Never has any living being come from something inanimate. Scientist Louis Pasteur has experimentally proven that “the living comes only from the living.” It is the law of biogenesis, that is, the law of the origin of life. This law clearly indicates that life on Earth could only be created by a living Being, not by accidental processes of inanimate matter. The existence of life on Earth proves that there is a living Being who is the Creator of life or the Giver of life- GOD.
Wonderful DNA
Human life is a more complex phenomenon that exists in our universe, which more strongly confirms the existence of the Creator of life. Every human being is made up of billions of cells that together make man. As an analogy, imagine a man completely made up of a multitude of grains of sand, just replace the sand with cells. Each cell contains DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), and DNA contains information for the production of all parts of the human body and for each function of the human body as a whole.
Information regarding all the characteristics of one person, from physical appearance to the structure of the internal organs, is written into DNA using a special encrypted system – in the order of four special bases designated A, T, G and C according to the initial letters of their names. The order of these letters in DNA determines the structure of the human being to the smallest detail. In addition to features such as height, weight, skin, hair and eye color, the DNA of each cell also contains the design of 206 bones, 600 muscles, a network of 10,000 auditory muscles, a network of 2,000,000 optic nerves, 100 billion nerve cells and 100 trillion the cell in the body, as well as the design and characteristics of everything else that makes a human. If we were to try to write information encrypted in DNA, then that would mean that we would put together a library containing 900 volumes of encyclopedia, each with 500 pages. This incredibly large amount of information is encrypted in parts of DNA called “genes.”
DNA is the largest database known to man. The incredibly efficient method of storing incredibly complex information for the development and functioning of complex living beings is clear evidence that life could not have been created by chance, but that it was designed for a purpose, or rather, it was perfectly created.
The complexity of man’s life is a characteristic of his very being in the womb, which can only be the work of a powerful and intelligent Creator. The human being begins his life by combining two separate substances that are independently produced by man (sperm) and woman (egg), which are in perfect harmony. When the sperm of a man fuses with the egg of a woman in the womb, the essence of a man is formed which is invisible to the eye at that moment. The woman’s uterus, meanwhile, is filled with a fluid called “fetal water” that surrounds an embryo that eventually forms into a baby.

In the meantime, an embryo that previously looked like a lean mass is beginning to transform. In the initial soft structure, solid bones begin to form that allow the body to stand upright. The cells, which were initially the same, begin to separate: some form cells of the eye sensitive to light, some form nerve cells sensitive to cold, heat and pain, some to be sensitive to sound vibrations … Over time, all are infinitely complex. organs and systems of functioning in the human body. At the end of all these processes, when a baby completes its development in the womb, it is born and comes into the world. It is then 100 million times larger and 6 billion times heavier than it was initially. The creation of sperm and oocytes in the body of man and woman, their union and transformation into a human being, as so complex processes that the human mind can never fully explore and comprehend, cannot be the product of coincidence but of the intelligent design behind which the Creator stands.
The world and life not only exist but are purposeful, they have orderliness and harmony. Purpose, harmony, and orderliness necessarily assume the intelligence that created it, which is God. This argument is called the “teleological argument” and is derived from the Greek word “teleios” which means to bring something into a state of perfection and complexity.
The human body, for example, is made up mostly of soft tissue – meat. Meat is one of the most fragile materials in nature. When left outdoors it breaks down in a few hours, and in a few days it becomes crowded with larvae and begins to unbearably stink. However, the meat that makes up a large part of the human body is maintained without spoiling and decomposing for 70-80 years, thanks to the inexplicably complex circulation of the blood that feeds it and the incredibly created skin that protects it from external influences and bacteria.
The existence of these and many other complex and purposeful systems in the human body such as breathing, digestion, reproduction, defense (the immune system) and many others unequivocally reveal that there is someone who designed and created it all. The perfect functioning and interrelationship of each of these and other independent systems in the body enable man to perform his life functions. One is not even aware of what is going on in his body, for example, the moment when it begins and ends digestion in his stomach, or the beating of his heart, or the transmission of the necessary ingredients through the blood to the point of need, or to create hormones, or to fight against foreign bodies, and many other developments that are more complex than those in one million cities with their complete infrastructure.
The perfect design, harmony and function of the human senses – sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste, as well as complex and impeccable organs in the body such as the brain, heart, liver, kidneys, sexual organs and others – are strong evidence to support the existence of the Creator.
The heart, for example, gathers and connects billions of cells in the human body in a way that through the bloodstream ensures the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to all cells and organs in the body, which is a condition for sustaining life. Starting to beat in the womb, the heart continuously works throughout the life of a man at a rate of 70-100 beats per minute.
- The heart performs approximately 100,000 beats in one day
- The heart regulates blood pressure and does not allow damage to organs
- The heart valves are aligned in the direction of blood flow and work in perfect harmony
- The heart pumps the required amount of blood in accordance with changing conditions …
As can be seen from these and many other qualities of the heart, there is someone who created the heart and designed it to meet the needs of man. It is the same with all other organs in the body

The most complex of all organs in science is the awe-inspiring brain. The brain is the more complex structure that humanity knows, and it represents the habitat of our mysterious mind. Brain complexity is difficult to describe. Each of us has tens of billions of nerve cells (neurons) in the brain. About 400,000 miles of nerve fibers connect these cells to each other. Nerve fibers re-branch many times, connecting to other nerve cells. It is estimated that the human brain has 100 thousand billion connections.
Developments in the brain’s perfect electrical potential create impulses that are transmitted through fibers. When connecting cells to neurons, at least 30 types of chemicals transmit information from cell to cell, and this transfer of information makes the complex human organism and human in general fully functioning with its thoughts, speech, feelings… The brain receives and sends at least 100,000 messages per minute. It selects this information, compares it, analyzes it, decrypts it, draws conclusions from it, and sends it for storage. He does this great job in silence and just seemingly resting during our sleep. Although the complexity of the human brain is difficult to analyze, the thought process is an even greater mystery, which only confirms that there is a Creator who has perfectly designed man and his brain.

The Complexity and Purpose of The Universe
Both the complexity and the purposefulness of the universe prove not only the existence of the Creator, but also His infinite power. Matter, that is, whatever exists in the universe or whatever occupies space in the universe, whether in solid, liquid or gaseous state (man, plants, animals, water, air, Earth, sun, galaxies…) is made up of atoms that are so small that a man can’t even imagine. The atom itself is made up of even smaller particles – protons, neutrons and electrons, which make up the structure of the atom. If all atoms were exactly the same in the universe there would be only one kind of matter, but since there are more than 100 kinds of atoms that differ in the number of particles in it and thus make up different chemical elements, we have everything in the universe. So everything that exists in the universe, that is, matter, is highly organized into over 100 types of elements that interact to form all the things that exist.
When the Earth, as a microscopically small point in the universe inhabited by life, is compared to other planets, it becomes even more clear that it is especially shaped for life.
For example, water in liquid state in the entire solar system exists only on our planet. Moreover, 70 percent of our planet is covered by water. Each year, 45 million cubic meters of water evaporate from the ocean. The evaporating water, in the form of clouds, is carried by the winds over land, and 3-4 million cubic meters reach the land, and therefore to man. The living world complete depends on that great water cycle.
The Earth’s axis is inclined at an angle of 23 degrees with respect to its orbit. The seasons were formed according to that slope. If this slope were a little smaller or larger than it is now, the temperature differences between the seasons would reach enormous values, so on Earth we would have unbearably hot summers and extremely cold winters.

The earth rotates around its axis at an average speed of about 1,670 km per hour. Keeping in mind that the fastest bullet has an average speed of 1,800 km per hour, we get to know how fast the Earth moves about its axis relative to its huge size. On the other hand, the speed of the Earth moving around the sun is about 60 times the speed of the bullet – 108,000 km per hour.
The force that enables life on Earth at such movements and speeds is the force of gravity, by virtue of which no creature or object flies into space but stands on the surface of the Earth. The force of gravity holds the Earth and in its orbit around the sun instead of going straight into space as expected. Gravity also holds galaxies together. It is an extremely important force that is tuned to keep the universe balanced.
The sun is 150 million kilometers from Earth. This distance plays a significant role in regulating the amount of thermal energy coming from the Sun to Earth. It is estimated that if the Earth were only 5 percent closer or farther from the Sun, it would destroy all life on it. The surface temperature of the planet Venus, which is closer to the Sun than Earth, is about +460 degrees, and Mars, which is farther from the Sun than Earth, is -23 degrees.
In order to keep the temperature of the Earth’s surface at a constant level, heat loss must be prevented, especially during the night. Therefore, an ingredient is required to prevent heat loss from the atmosphere. This need is satisfied by the presence of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide covers the Earth like a quilt and prevents heat being released into space.
These and other incredible laws in the universe clearly show that our life on Earth functions harmoniously and “on the edge of the knife” (in the only possible way), which confirms the existence of the Creator.
The solar system rotates around the center of the galaxy at a speed of 720,000 km per hour. This means that the sun travels daily approximately 17,280,000 km, as does our Earth, which depends on sun’s motion. The speed of our galaxy The Milky Way, which contains 200 billion stars, is 950,000 km per hour. Although 325,500 times larger than Earth, the Sun is considered one of the smaller stars in the universe. The sun is at a distance of 30 thousand light years from the center of the Milky Way with a diameter of 125 thousand light years (1 light year = 9.460.8 million km).
Mathematical proof
The world we live in is purposeful and orderly for the lives of its inhabitants, and is so complex that it is mathematically completely demonstrable that it is not possible that everything became by an accident. The law of probability says that the ability of things to become better on their own is: 1 / e260e. “e” is a natural number 2,718…. This is the fastest growing feature in mathematics. This number is estimated to be greater than the total number of atoms in space.
Leading scientists have argued that science proves God’s existence
Life and the universe are so complex systems that only the Creator of life and the universe can be more complex than them. Leading scientists of all time have argued that science proves God’s existence
- Isaac Newton (1642-1727) physics
- Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) biology
- Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) genetics
- Michael Faraday (1791-1867) electromagnetism
- William Kelvin (1824-1907) thermodynamics
- Joseph Lister (1827-1912) Surgery
- Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) thermodynamics
- Johan Kepler (1571-1630) Astronomy
- Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Chemistry
- Karl Line (1707-1778) biology
- William Herschel (1738-1822) Astronomy
- Joseph Henry (1797-1878) Electrical Engineer
- John Fleming (1849-1945) electronics
- George Stokes (1819-1903) fluid mechanics
- Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) hydraulics
- William Remsy (1852-1916) thermodynamics
- Bernard Riman (1826-1866) geometry
- Rudolf Virhof (1821-1902) pathology
- James Jul (1818-1889) thermodynamics
- James Maxwell (1831-1879) thermodynamics
- Samuel Morz (1791-1872) Telecommunications
- George Kiwi (1769-1832) paleontology
Historical Evidence
In all civilizations there is a developed awareness of the existence of God. As this awareness extends throughout history,
it is impossible that in human consciousness along with the realities of life for such a long time persists some unreality.
his argument is called an “ethnological” or historical “argument.”
There are numerous other incontrovertible proofs or arguments in favor of the existence of the Creator of the world and of life.