Some details from the doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses themselves confirm that Charles Taze Russel (1852-1916), founder of Jehovah’s Witnesses and a Mason, infiltrated Masonic occult teachings into his newly founded organization.
1.) For Masons, Jesus Christ is only a created being the same as Lucifer and the angels.
2.) For Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jesus is also a created being.
3.) Masons believe that the law of God is unnecessary because it limits human freedom, and that one can come to understand with his mind what is good and what is evil, and thus act in certain situations according to his own moral conscience, which in Freemasonry is referred to as situational ethics .
4.) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the law of God is abolished by the death of Jesus, and that it is not necessary for man as a moral code of conduct and life (false love based on feelings, which is also propagated by most Christian churches).
5.) Freemasons expect a millennial empire on earth in the new world order under the rule of Lucifer, in which they will rule as co-rulers over the world anti-Christian government. During this millennium, Freemasons would have the role of enlightenment, teaching the world new values and a new universal faith, and any ineligible being eradicated from the new Masonic world order.
6.) Jehovah’s Witnesses also expect a millennial kingdom on earth in the new order of God, and that during that millennium they will have the role of an enlightener teaching the world through Jehovah’s teaching, and men will be given another opportunity to become righteous through interrogation, thereby securing eternal life in God’s paradise on earth. Those who continue to sin during the millennium will be destroyed by Jehovah. During this time, Jehovah and 144,000 elect in Heaven’s government as sovereigns will rule in heaven.
7.) Masons believe in the Hindu teaching of Brahman, the universal impersonal cosmic force that emanates from the Hindu God, and which pervades the whole physical reality, including man, and which drives and controls everything.
8.) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the Holy Spirit is only an impersonal active operating force (energy) emanating from Jehovah God.
9.) Masons, occultists and magicians believe that demons can materialize – take the human body, and have sexual relations with humans.
Such an example of a relationship is especially present in magic and witchcraft, where it is believed that a demon can have a relationship with a witch girl during the ritual summoning of demons.
In pagan philosophies, especially Greek and Roman, it was believed that gods and goddesses maintained relationships with humans, and that from these relationships were formed half-men – demigods (Hercules, Theseus, Achilles …).
10) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that before the Flood, angels took on the human body, and had relationships with their daughters, and that semi-humans – demigods – were born of these relationships.
11.) Masons believe in an occult interpretation of the Bible that hides secrets invisible to the human eye, thereby attempting to artificially extract numerical value from existing visible text that would indicate future events by calculation. An example of a hidden Bible code, calculating the numerical value of names of people, cities, etc., which was the practice of Babylon occult numerology and astrology.
12.) Jehovah’s Witnesses have repeatedly failed to predict the end of the world and the old order: 1874, 1914, 1918, 1925, 1975… and, based on a misinterpretation of biblical chronology, symbols, and prophecies, determine the timing of future events.
One example of the presence of Babylonian astrology as the principle of determining future events in the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and how they came to 1914, on which their whole doctrine lies, is recorded in the journal “The Watchtower” of May 1, 1903: “When Uranus and Jupiter enter the path of the Aquarius sign in 1914, the old age-old promise will be fulfilled, and conditions will be created for the beginning of man’s work on his own salvation. “

13) The symbol of the new Jerusalem in Freemasonry represents ancient Freemasonry, that is, the ancient founders of Freemasonry.
14.) For Jehovah’s Witnesses, the saints united with the lamb Jesus Christ in heaven constitute the symbolic new Jerusalem, in the transient sense of the 144,000 chosen in the earthly visible organization (their governing body), not the actual city.
15.) The Freemasons believe that Lucifer will soon defeat the Biblical God and take control of this world in the new world order, and that through his visible presence he will rule through the world Masonic government as the sovereigns in the millennial peace kingdom on this earth. This presence will be a heavenly imitation of the coming of Christ, causing Satan and the Masons to deceive the world by claiming that the Christ that Christians expect has come, thus promoting the false Christ and his rule.
16.) Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jehovah will, with the heavenly presence that will not be the real visible coming of Jesus Christ (because according to the teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jesus Christ will never come), take control of this world, and rule the world in the millennium, and with it as co-rulers in the celestial government 144,000 elect.
17.) For Masons and occultists, Lucifer is the true god of good to whom the title of JHWH or Jehovah belongs, unlike the biblical God they call ADONAJ, who is said to be the embodiment of evil. These four letters, JHWH, are often present on Masonic and occult symbols, the pentagram, the Masonic pyramid, the Masonic poles, the solar disk symbol, etc.
18.) For Jehovah’s Witnesses, JHWH or Jehovah is the only name by which they represent the biblical God, thus neglecting other names present in the Bible to which God also introduces himself to men, such as Elohim, Adonai, El Shaday, Hasham, Hodes Hodesim … All these names as JHWH. represent one side of God’s personality and character. The word Shem (Name), in Jewish terminology, denotes character. When Jesus says in some places in the Bible, “I have revealed your name to men,” he does not mean a specific name here, since the Jews of Christ’s time already knew that one of God’s names was JHWH or Jehovah, but that Jesus meant character. Jesus actually says: I have revealed Your character to people, Your love, mercy, forgiveness, gentleness, suffering, compassion, majesty, etc.
19.) Freemasons through the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, whose founders are today actively promoting door-to-door preaching, to promote their Masonic occult teachings and ideas, in order to prepare people’s consciousness for the coming of the Antichrist, and the new world satanic order in the millennial kingdom of false peace on this earth. . In doing so, they systematically obstruct the publication of the truth by those who are called by God to admonish the world to turn to the true God, to point out to him the latest events that will mark the history of this earth, and the coming of Christ in glory soon.
Many Jehovah’s Witnesses have been misled by false doctrine by the umbrella organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses, without questioning their hidden origins, goals, and their substance.
The purpose of this article is not to attack people who call themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses. The purpose is to urge them to reconsider their religious beliefs and the organization to which they belong in the light of the Bible, as well as to prevent potential victims of recruitment.