SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE: On a teaspoon with which Holy Communion is given to believers, there are 0% bacteria!

A study in Moscow has revealed one completely unbelievable fact to all scholars who have researched how all believers in the Church are receiving the Holy Communion with the same spoon on that day, with absolutely no virus or any kind of bacteria on it.

Science was simply speechless. They repeated the research several times, and then did it in multiple locations and came up with an amazing fact – another great proof that the Lord is winning and protecting us all!

The spoon was completely sterile and had no bacteria on it! “Come also to the Holy Cup – Receive Christ into your body.”

About the Holy Communion

The Holy Sacrament (Mystery) of Communion we receive in the form of bread and wine-The body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. This Holy Sacrament represents the pinnacle of love and fellowship between God and man. The Holy Sacrament of Communion was established by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself at the Last Supper:

While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is my body.”

” Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Matthew 26; 26-28)

Holy Communion is prepared and received during the most important church service, the Holy Liturgy. Believers prepare for Holy Communion by fasting and prayer. For the healthy believers, the preparation is more rigorous than for the sick. That is, the healthy believers are more rigid while fasting than the sick. One week before Holy Communion, fasting is kept, ie believers need to fast on water, no oil is used.

Believers need to confess their sins to a priest, and only then can believers approach Holy Chalice with Holy Communion. In addition to fasting, preparing for communion also involves abstaining from bad and evil deeds, reconciling with everyone with whom one has quarreled, doing good deeds and giving alms. In one word, perseverance in every virtue, and abstaining from sin.

When one comes to the priest who is communing, he/she should say their name and should not be crossing themselves because there is a danger that the cup (Chalice) from which he is receiving Communion may be hooked and that Holy Communion may be poured, which is a great sin. A believer can cross himself before the Holy Communion and when he moves away from the Cup.
Priest’s hand should no be kissed during the Holy Communion nor the Holy Chalice, but slowly proceed  towards the person that’s giving Holy Bread/Eucharist . Communion is taken as food. When the priest places the teaspoon with the sacrament in the mouth, the lips should close as if taking food from the teaspoon. 

In exceptional cases, when it comes to fatally ill believers, and when fast communion is required, the usual preparations may be absent, ie these believers do not fast before communion, but the priest only confesses and communes them. This is done to make the believer unite with God before death. In such cases, the priest takes the Holy Gifts to the home of the sick and communes him there.

Communion can also be performed in the home of those patients who are not dead but are immobile and cannot attend the church service. Then it is not the last communion, but the priest communes the patient for the health of soul and body.

Today, believers are most often communed during four major fasts (Christmas, Easter, St. Peter and Paul, and Holy Theotokos fasts), and it is advisable to receive The Holy Communion as often as possible.

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