“For This Reason, a Man will Leave his Father and Mother and be United to his Wife, and the Two will Become one Flesh.” (Genesis, II, 24)

The Holy Sacrament of Marriage 

The Holy Sacrament of Marriage in Orthodox Christian Church is the Holy Sacrament or Mystery through which the Holy Spirit unites a Christian Couple into one being.  During the ceremony they declare unwaveringly to the priest that they will love each other all their lives and be faithful to one another. They also receive the blessing of childbirth and upbringing.

The Lord God blessed our forefathers Adam and Eve in Paradise and said to them, ““Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth ” (Genesis I, 28).

The unity of husband and wife is the closest thing to all human relationships, for it is said, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” (Genesis, II, 24).

Our Lord Jesus Christ has confirmed this old marriage law. He repeated the same words of the Old Testament and speaking against divorce added: “What God has joined together, let no one separate.” (Mat. XIX, 6). He blessed and sanctified the marriage by His presence at the wedding at Cana of Galilee and by turning water into wine at that wedding (Jn. II). Just as water has changed into wine, so by His presence, bodily love transforms into spiritual love of two souls.

The birth of children in pre-Christian times was intended to “fill the earth”, while the Christian marriage was intended to fill the Church of Christ both on earth and in heaven, finally – to fill Paradise. St. ap. Paul compares the marriage relationship between husband and wife with the bond between Christ and His Church: “A husband is the head of a woman like Christ is the head of the Church.” Just as a man and a woman in marriage become one, so are Christ and His Church inseparable.

This video is about understanding the Marriage Service in the Orthodox Christian Church.

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