By God’s will, the Orthodox Church organized holidays during the year, which are aligned with the need of human souls for salvation in the Kingdom of Heaven. However, the servants of hell and the devil, with the help of their subjects, are trying to force the celebration of some “holidays” among people, the whole world, and especially the Orthodox nations, whose true meaning is hidden, and whose true character is very well known to the creators of those “holidays”. ” and the ceremony. One such “holiday” is “1. May – Labor Day”!
The celebration of May 1st is intended to be a substitute for the greatest Christian holiday of the Resurrection of Christ. However, it was not only in the anti-God Soviet Union that it was decided to celebrate May 1st, because it is also an occult, satanic holiday of the New World Order.
In addition to the official story taught in schools that May Day commemorates the Chicago Workers’ Demonstration (May 1, 1886), led by communist proletarians, revolutionaries, and anarchists, it is widely known that on that same famous date in 1776 former German Jesuit Adam Weishaupt founded the secret society of the Illuminati whose task was and remains to establish the New World Order. However, the background of celebrating the first of May has its roots in ancient pagan holidays, the observance of which has survived to the present day. Walpurgis Night has been celebrated on that day since ancient times in Europe. According to legend (described by Goethe in the first part of “Faust”), on that night all the unclean power of the whole world gathers in Germany, on Mount Brocken.
Then the demons arrive for a sort of parade, in order to worship Satan in a machine-like manner. Walpurgis Night always “falls” on May 1, that is, on the night between April 30 and May 1.

That’s how Hitler knew the symbolism and meaning of the May Day “holiday” very well. That is exactly why he chose to sacrifice his life on April 30 to the dark forces, to which he dedicated his political career and the destructive influence of his diabolical personality. The dark devotee remained faithful to the forces of darkness until the very end, and even the day of his death had to be a sacrifice to them – April 30, namely, from ancient times was the feast of Beltane (Beltaine), the day after which Walpurgis Night follows. It is one of the most important dates in the Satanic calendar,” when it is mandatory to offer a human sacrifice in order to bring about the brutal death of Jesus Christ. Z. M. Slavinski in the “Short Encyclopedia of Parapsychology and Hermeticism” defines Walpurgis Night: “The night before May Day is when the witches’ festival was held on Brocken or some other high mountain.”
The date May 1 carries another historical testimony that should lead us to think about the causes and consequences of that celebration.
On May 1, 1776 – on the day of one of the biggest Satanic holidays – a new stage in the history of the Roman Catholic Church began, which will reverberate throughout the world in the decades to come. On that date, a Roman Catholic “priest” named Adam Weishaupt founded a secret revolutionary society called the Illuminati (based at Ingolstadt University in Bavaria), modeled after the Jesuit order. The date when the Illuminati launched their campaign is precisely May 1, the satanic holiday “Beltan”.
Adam Weishaupt was born on May 1, 1748 in a Jewish family that was baptized by Roman Catholics in the German city of Ingolstadt at the beginning of the 17th century. This Jesuit, who decided to become famous at any cost, recognized Lucifer as his master and began to practice witchcraft and Satanism.
He was astonished to learn that the day of his birth was related to the ancient pagan belief and custom of celebrating the pagan festival of Beltane, which pagans celebrated on April 30, and the satanic festival of Walpurgis Night, which was celebrated on the night between April 30 and May 1. Then he decided to found the secret satanic brotherhood of the Illuminati on his 28th birthday, May 1, 1776. The goal of that fraternity was and remains to destroy the current way of life, order and moral norms with one world revolution, and cause the creation of a New World Order.
To what extent the Illuminati have succeeded in their goals, it is enough to look at the symbol of the American empire – the American dollar. It is full of Masonic symbols such as an unfinished pyramid with an all-seeing eye, and the year 1776 written in Roman numerals at the bottom of the pyramid. On the strip below the pyramid in Latin is written “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” which in the translated sense means “new world order”. So Adam Weishaupt with the Illuminati decided to impose on the whole world an organized “Welcome on May 1st” and the celebration of the satanic holiday “Walpurgis Night”, celebrating which the whole world would bow down to Lucifer! All they needed was a mask to hide the true meaning of that “holiday”, thus imposing it on all of humanity under a more acceptable mask! The Illuminati, using their great influence in America, instigated and organized demonstrations by workers in Chicago and a conflict between workers and the police. They timed all that for May 1, 1886

Using the influence of Karl Marx (a member of the secret society “League of the Righteous” – one of the branches of the Illuminati), which he had on the labor movement, the Illuminati managed to impose that May 1st be celebrated as “the holiday of all workers”. In 1889, the First Congress of the Communist Second International was held in Paris. Not only communists were present there, but also freemasons, various spiritualists and other dubious figures from Europe and the world. Occultism and spiritualism were deeply rooted in communism. Since the Illuminati and other Freemasons were pulling all the strings, at the congress in Paris they decided to establish that the spring labor holiday be celebrated every year, and that it should be (for the masses) in memory of the Chicago workers who fell in confrontation with the police.
So, the Illuminati, the Masonic order that is in the service of Lucifer, and which was founded on May 1, 1776, decided that the whole world should celebrate their holiday on May 1 under the guise of “humanism and protection of workers’ rights”! Very quickly, all the governments of the world (and in all governments Masons have the main say) accepted this “holiday” and introduced the celebration of “1. May – Labor Day”. In this way, they succeeded in their intention to make all nations worship Lucifer by celebrating “1. May”, and thinking that it is celebrated for the purpose of marking the struggle of workers for their rights.
By celebrating “May Day holidays”, Orthodox Christians renounce the Lord Jesus Christ and bow to Satan! That’s why, Orthodox brothers and sisters, the first of May should be like any ordinary day dedicated to the family, ongoing work and obligations – not a day of rest and trips to nature. Only in this way will we not participate in this godless anti-holiday and only in this way will we show our loyalty to the only true values of religion.