The Life and Miracle of Saint Haralambos- “The nazi dreamed that an old man with a long beard approached him and said: “WHAT YOU ARE THINKING OF DOING TO THIS VILLAGE? DON’T DO IT OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!” 

Life of Saint Haralambos Saint Haralambos was an early Orthodox Christian priest in Magnesia on the Maeander, a region of Asia Minor, in the diocese of the same name. His name Χαράλαμπος means glowing with joy in Greek language. He lived during the reign of Septimius Severus (193–211), when Lucian was Proconsul of Magnesia. As Saint Haralambis was Bishop of Magnesia also in Assyrian Mar Zaia, He […]

The Life and Miracle of Saint Haralambos- “The nazi dreamed that an old man with a long beard approached him and said: “WHAT YOU ARE THINKING OF DOING TO THIS VILLAGE? DON’T DO IT OR YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!”  Read More »

Winter Guest – The Story and Miracle of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, Russia

In the hot summer months, a four-member family happened to be away from their home, in very difficult circumstances. The head of the household was very ill and after three months even the doctors lost hope of his healing. It was as if the heat and exhaustion had taken away his last strength. He couldn’t

Winter Guest – The Story and Miracle of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg, Russia Read More »

Footprints and Traces of Serbian Saint Sava in the Holy Land and Jerusalem

The First Serbian Archbishop of Saracen Saint Sava purchased the Last Supper Room by covering the entire area with golden coins. Later the icons of the Nursing Theotokos and the Three-handed Theotokos, were given to him by monks of the Mar Sabba Monastery, which can be found on Mount Athos today. Fascination is certainly one

Footprints and Traces of Serbian Saint Sava in the Holy Land and Jerusalem Read More »

The Right Hand of Saint John the Baptist with which He Baptized our Lord Jesus Christ is located in a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church

The hand of Saint John with which He baptized Jesus Christ was revered by the first Christians as a great sanctuary. When did the Hand of Saint John the Baptist arrive in Serbia? The hand of Saint John the Baptist has long been in the Russian imperial Romanov family. After the affliction of the imperial

The Right Hand of Saint John the Baptist with which He Baptized our Lord Jesus Christ is located in a monastery of the Serbian Orthodox Church Read More »

Elder Ephraim of Arizona: Monk who saved Orthodoxy in America, built 19 monasteries and made an oasis from the Arizona desert

Elder Ephraim the Philotheus (in the world known as Ioanis Moraitis) was born on June 24, 1928 in Volos, Greece. At the age of 19, he renounced the world and moved to Mount Athos, becoming the obedient spiritual child of Saint Elder Joseph Hesychast, a silent man and hermit. The greatness of Ephraim Ephraim’s personality

Elder Ephraim of Arizona: Monk who saved Orthodoxy in America, built 19 monasteries and made an oasis from the Arizona desert Read More »

Saint Seraphim of Sarov Miracle Worker, the great Russian saint, an ascetic from the 18th century

He was born in Kursk, Russia, on July 19, 1759, to wealthy parents. At baptism he was named Prohor. When he was 17, his mother sent him to devote himself to a monastic life. At the parting, she gave him a small cross, from which he had never separated. First he went to the Kiev-Pechersk

Saint Seraphim of Sarov Miracle Worker, the great Russian saint, an ascetic from the 18th century Read More »

Please support our efforts to protect Serbian Christians from the corrupted government of Montenegro that has adopted a new law which takes ownership of all sacred religious properties from the Serbian Orthodox Church by reading and SIGNING the following petition: Mr. President: Stop the Confiscation of Churches in Montenegro

The corrupted Montenegrin Government has united itself with the Montenegro Orthodox Church which is unrecognized by all Christian communities. It appears that the government and the unrecognized Montenegrin Orthodox Church want to confiscate all of the Serbian Churches and Monasteries in Montenegro.  Pay particular attention to the excerpts below of the new religious freedom law

Please support our efforts to protect Serbian Christians from the corrupted government of Montenegro that has adopted a new law which takes ownership of all sacred religious properties from the Serbian Orthodox Church by reading and SIGNING the following petition: Mr. President: Stop the Confiscation of Churches in Montenegro Read More »

Saint Martyr Stefan Decanski was a Serbian king, son of King Milutin and father of Emperor Dusan. After Being blinded, St. Nicholas appeared to him at the Temple in Sheep Field and promised to restore his sight. “Stefan, fear not, here are your eyes on my palm, in due time I will give them back to you,” St. Nicholas told him.

St. Stefan Dečanski was the son of King Milutin and the father of Emperor Dušan. The child of a pious royal family, Stefan from an early age was raised in Christian piety. But it fell on him to endure many difficult troubles in his early years. In those days, there were frequent confusions and infighting

Saint Martyr Stefan Decanski was a Serbian king, son of King Milutin and father of Emperor Dusan. After Being blinded, St. Nicholas appeared to him at the Temple in Sheep Field and promised to restore his sight. “Stefan, fear not, here are your eyes on my palm, in due time I will give them back to you,” St. Nicholas told him. Read More »

The relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky were taken to the laboratory by the Communists to examine why they were so preserved, thinking they would prove that they are embalmed. However, when they began to cut, THE SAINT OPENED HIS EYES.

The relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky, a saint who died more than 500 years ago. The relics of the saints were taken to the laboratory by the Communists to examine why they were so preserved, thinking they would prove that they are embalmed. However, when they began to cut, the saint opened his eyes. The

The relics of Saint Alexander Svirsky were taken to the laboratory by the Communists to examine why they were so preserved, thinking they would prove that they are embalmed. However, when they began to cut, THE SAINT OPENED HIS EYES. Read More »