What is God’s Love?

God is Love

If we call upon God in our ife as the Holy Fathers teach us, then we are calling upon love. If we know and believe that He is present everywhere at all times and if we are united with Him in our hearts, He will teach us how to love our neighbor. As most of the time we do not know how to love either the Lord or our neighbor. The evil spirits often so interfere with Divine love given to us by God that they often lure us away from the path of real and true love.  Their suggestions are full of the physical and emotional aspects of this world: enjoyment and lust- which is nothing but enslavement. 


It often happens that a person, either young or old, falls in love with another person or even an object. Some people fall in love with gold and can no bear to be separated from it or from their wealth, house, and possessions, and they become enslaved. If someone were to take this from them, they would become desperate. Many times the powers of evil bring such people to the brink of self-destruction. 

Is this love?

The spirit of evil often come and meddle with the Divine love that God has planted in us. That kind of love (corrupted by the evil spirits) is without discernment. But the love of God is boundless…

Love is perfection, says the Apostle (cf.Roman 13:10). God is perfect, He is faultless. And so, when divine love becomes manifest in us in the fullness of Grace, we radiate this love not only on earth, but throughout entire universe as well. So God is in us, and He is present everywhere. It is God’s all-encompassing love that manifests itself in us. When this happens we see no difference between people–everyone is good, everyone is our brother,  and we consider ourselves to be the worst of man, servants of every created thing. 

In this kind of love we are humbled; our soul is at peace and in humility. And humility is perfection of Christian life. It  is not in the raising of the dead or in working miracles that Christian perfection lies, but in extreme humility. When we are illuminated by the Grace of the Holy Spirit in the fullness of Divine love, then we want to serve everyone and help everyone. Even when we see a little ant struggling, we want to help him. So, love is sacrifice. Love sacrifices itself for it neighbor. 

Is it Possible To Live Without Love?

The Lord is always waiting for us to unite ourselves with Him in love, instead we drift further and further away from Him. We know that there can be no life without love. This means that there is no life without God, for God is love. But His love is not according to the understanding of this world. The love that the Lord gives us consists of suffering and enslavement because the spirits of evil interfere with it. There is little bit of love, but mostly it is just enslavement. The spirits of evil try to enslaves us so that we become tied to certain people or things, in order to prevent our hearts from going out to God, the source of life and love. They know that if our hearts unite with Him, then they can not come close to us. The man who is given Grace and who is united  with God’s love is also protected by this Divine love, and the evil spirits ca not come close to him. 

Love is the most powerful means of defense there is. There are no weapons and no power that can measure themselves against love. Everything is defeated before love. 

All of nature is a great mystery, from the plants and birds to man, for God is present everywhere. He discloses a small part of this great mystery to those who truly love Him- to men of pure heart. God is an incomprehensible energy. Man also has incomprehensible energy . When these two energies are in harmony. we have paradise on earth, joy, and all-encompassing love. 

How to Love?

We can all be good if, with all our hearts, we unite ourselves with the source of life, God. He will give us strength to love both ourselves and our neighbor. Without God it is not possible to even love oneself. Many people become depressed and hopeless and attempt to take their own lives, for without God we can not even love ourselves, let alone our friends, family, and neighbors–or our enemies for that matter. All is possible with God, for He is our strength and our life. We must give our hearths to someone, and if we give it to any person on this planet, this person can harm us. We all seek boundless and unchangeable love and infinite peace, but who can give it to us? Not even our parents, our brothers, or our sisters. Everyone of them can abandon, despise, or harm us. Why? Because we are all limited by time and space and we all battle against the unclean powers, which are constantly defiling our thoughts. 

Whom to Love?

To whomever we give our heart, this person can harm us or abandon us. The spirits of wickedness are constantly putting evil thoughts into our feeling of love and preying on us. Divine love is boundless and all-encompassing, whereas we are attached to men and the lifeless things of this world.Our hearts have been imprisoned by the things of this world, and if those things are taken away from us or hearts are saddened and they suffer. 

One must love God first, and only then can one love one’s closest of kin and neighbors. We must not be as idols to one another for such is not the will of God. 

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